April 28th, 3:00pm: The Hay Beach Property Owners Association has scheduled a panel discussion, which will include Town Board members, to review water issues pertaining to Hay Beach as well as the entire Island. Topics will include water quality concerns, testing issues and availability, options for treating water, the GBCC water usage expansion, water issues before the Town and other other water related matters. There will be a a question and answer period. Light refreshments will be served. Event to take place at: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 26 St. Mary’s Road
June 22nd, 3:00 - 6:00pm: Annual HBPOA Cocktail Party (9 Country Club Drive)
September 22nd, 12:30 - 3:00pm: Annual Member’s Luncheon at The1901 Grill (26 Sunnyside Avenue)