Mission Statement

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in Hay Beach by maintaining and improving our infrastructure, resources and services and by upholding our covenants, declarations and by-laws.

We are a voluntary organization with a goal to create a forum to discuss Island issues and to advocate these issues with the Town Board on behalf of all Hay Beach property owners.

HBPOA Members and Residents,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025.  We hope you are having a good winter, which has been particularly cold and windy here on Shelter Island.  

2025 HBPOA Board and Officers and Election

The information regarding the 2025 election of Board and Officers will be going out via email shortly using the mail chimp voting process utilized in prior years.  

As we have done the last few years, the Hay Beach Property Owners Association Board of Directors is asking its members to nominate and then vote for a list of candidates for the 2025 HBPOA Board of Directors. Please reply to this email no later than February 20th if you would like to nominate anyone for any of the following positions:

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary 

  • Member At Large

  • Trustee

Additionally, if you or anyone you know would like to serve on the Board or in some other manner assist the HBPOA, we strongly encourage you to let us know.  The HBPOA only survives as a strong voice in the community through the involvement of its members.  We always need help with both social and community matters, so please consider volunteering in any capacity, especially as a potential officer or Board member.  If you would like to discuss, please email Bill Mastro at billm45s@gmail.com.

As regards the 2025 election, please watch for our next email, which you will likely receive towards the end of February and which will  include the slate of candidates so you can submit your vote.

2025 Membership Renewal 

The 2025 renewal process will start in a few weeks. Please keep your eye out for the communications (both email and hard copy) about renewing your dues for 2025.  We ask that you submit your renewal quickly.

2025 Activities and Events

The HBPOA Board is in the process of finalizing a date for a spring on an issue facing the Island.  The annual cocktail party is tentatively scheduled for Saturday June 28th

Our annual luncheon will once again most likely be held  in September.

GBCC Site Plan Review
As you may know, the Gardiners Bay Country Club has submitted a plan for site plan review regarding storing water and pumping it from an underground cistern along with some additional proposals.  The plan raises a number of questions and concerns and the HBPOA is in the process of gathering those questions and concerns to submit to the Town Board. 

To date, we have also spoken at various Town Board meetings and Committee meetings on this matter.  In particular, I want to thank Stephen Jacobs, Dave Ruby and Greg Toner for their involvement in these meetings.  

Thank You and I hope to see you soon,

Bill Mastro
HBPOA, President on behalf of the Board

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For more information about the Gardiner’s Bay Country Club Proposal, click on the “News & Events” Tab